
Artikel Present Perfect

Three Fish

Once three fish lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish. ‘This pond is full of fish’, they told each other excitedly. we have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish!’ So saying, the fishermen left.

When the eldest of the three fish heard this, he was troubled. He called the other fish together and said, ‘Did you hear what the fishermen said? We must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all!’ The second of the three fish agreed. ‘You are right’, he said. ‘We must leave the pond.’

But the youngest fish laughed. ‘You are worrying without reason’, he said. We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going anywhere – my luck will keep me safe’.

The eldest of the fish left the pond that very evening with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen coming in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then.

The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish’s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed.

Tiga Kunci Rahasia Meraih Sukses

Apa sebenarnya definisi “sukses” itu? Tanpa mengacu pada kamus, definisi sukses tentunya sangat relatif. Semua orang punya definisinya masing-masing. Bagi sebagian orang, sukses bermakna pencapaian atas apa yang mereka cita-citakan. Bahkan adapula yang berpendapat bahwa sukses tidak akan mempunyai satu definisi yang khusus karena sukses merupakan sebuah proses perjuangan.

Kalau kita cari pengertian sukses dari beberapa tokoh, kita juga akan temui definisi yang sangat beragam:

“Success is the ability to live your life the way you want to live it, doing what you most enjoy, surrounded by people who you admire and respect.” (Sukses berarti jika seseorang menikmati dan mencintai profesinya sekarang, dan ia dikelilingi oleh orang-orang yang ia cintai dan mencintai dirinya). - Brian Tracy, Million Dollar Habits

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” (Sukses adalah realisasi progresif dari prinsip-prinsip seseorang yang bernilai). – Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret

“Getting many of the things money can buy – and all the things money can’t buy. Money can buy you a mattress, but you can’t buy a good night’s sleep.” (Mendapatkan banyak hal yang bisa dibeli oleh uang – dan semua hal yang tak bisa dibeli oleh uang. Anda bisa membeli kasur, tapi Anda tak bisa membeli tidur yang nyenyak). - Zig Ziglar dalam suatu wawancara di majalah Time.
Ukuran Sukses

Kebanyakan orang mendefinisikan sukses berdasarkan pada, kekuasaan, uang, kemasyhuran. Seorang bijak pernah mengatakan : “Uang dapat memberi Anda sebuah istana yang sangat megah,  mobil-mobil mewah, namun uang tidak dapat memberi Anda rumah yang penuh dengan kasih dan penghargaan tulus dari orang-orang yang tinggal di dalamnya.
Sejarah mencatat banyak orang yang tampak sukses dari luar karena uang, kekuasaan dan kemasyhuran yang dimilikinya melakukan bunuh diri. Sebut saja nama berikut: Jesse Livermore, (nvestor terbesar di Wall Street), Leon Fraser (Presiden the Bank of International Settlements), dan Ivan Krueger (kepala dari monopoli dunia terbesar).

Cara Meraih Sukses yang Tidak Berakhir

Setelah membaca dan mendengarkan banyak kisah sukses para pendahulu, perkenankan saya berbagi dengan Anda. Saya datang pada satu kesimpulan bahwa ada tiga kunci yang mengantarkan seseorang untuk bisa membuka pintu gerbang kesuksesan yaitu:
1. Berpikir baik,
2. Berbicara baik,
3. Berbuat baik.

Berpikir Baik

Segala aktivitas kita berawal dari pikiran. Pikiran merupakan driver dari semua aktivitas hidup ini. Pikiran baik maksudnya: Berpkir bagaimana membahagiakan orangtua, anak dan istri, keluarga, memberikan pelayanan kepada sesama, memberikan sesuatu yang bernilai untuk masyarakat. Berpikir memberikan sesuatu yang mampu menjaga kebersamaan, persaudaraan, dan persatuan. Berpikir memberikan kontribusi positif pada perkembangan umat manusia di segala bidang kehidupan.

Bicara Baik

Pikiran yang baik butuh ruang untuk mengutarakannya sehingga orang tahu bahwa Anda punya kualitas, ruang itu yang bernama bicara. Dalam pergaulan sehari-hari, orang yang pintar membawa perkataannya, bisa menjaga perasaan teman, berkata jujur dan apa adanya, tidak melebih-lebihkan atau menguranginya,sangat disegani dan senangi teman-temannya. Sebaliknya mereka yang mudah mengeluarkan kata-kata kasar, kata menghardik, membentak, menfitnah, berbohong, akan tidak disukai di tempat kerja, di masyarakat, di manapun dia berada.

Berbuat Baik

Pikiran yang baik, perkataan yang baik, tidaklah cukup bila tidak dibuktikan dengan perilaku yang baik. Trust (kepercayaan) dalam bisnis ada bila bukti itu ada.
Saudaraku sekalian, saat keheningan menghampiri seakan mereka berpesan pada saya bahwa untuk mencapai sukses itu kita harus mampu menyelaraskan antara pikiran, perkataan dan perbuatan kita. Sukses adalah sebuah produk dari ketiga aktivitas tadi (pikiran baik, perkataan baik dan perbuatan baik). Apa yang kita pikirkan, yang kita ucapkan dan yang kita lakukan semuanya yang baik-baik, pasti sukses itu akan datang menghampiri.

Bagaimana konsep sukses menurut Anda?

Leave the Past Just For The Past

Which is more important, future or past? Sometimes we often forget the priorities of life. The future must be prepared and served with careful planning and thorough, often forgotten and eroded by the past.

The past is often a barrier and obstacle to arrange the future. Especially the past that feels very bitter and painful, often make us back again and again remember it, binds us to keep in our memory. Often our relationships with others become tenuous because of mistakes in the past. Couples often fight over her past relationship with another person.

We often forget that the past is the moments that shape our lives today. Without the past, maybe life in which we live today will not feel full color. The period we have passed to help us to make our lives better if we want to look in the mirror and reflection to learn to look for a meaning contained in it. If we view the past as a lesson of life, then past it would not be a stumbling block for our future.

Better prepare our future rather than fixated on the past and drown us. Because like any of our past can not we return, we can not change, unless we fix in our future.

Let the past be the past only ...

When will We Feeling Enough?

Perhaps it is easy for us to say 'enough', but in fact very difficult to truly understand and understand that word.

Often we are still feeling less with all that we already have, still feels that what others have far better than we have. As if all that we have still not 'quite' good and sufficient. Almost all employees feel their salaries can not say worth the hard work. Employers almost always feel the company's revenue is still below target. The wife complained her husband's lack of attention and the husband believes his wife's lack of understanding. The kids think their parents less generous.

All felt less and less. Then, when we can say enough?

'Enough' is not about how much. 'Enough' is about contentment and how big our gratitude. Saying the word 'enough' give us the opportunity to look back at what we've got and what has been given to us, not about what we have not got. Do not be afraid to say the word 'enough'. By saying it does not mean we will stop trying and working.

Let us learn to suffice himself with what we already have to this day, then we will become a happier man. Learn to say 'enough' ... because out there are still many who hope to have what we have today ... Learn to give thanks, for verily God has replenish everything for us ....

Social Networks Become Source of News?

Social networking phenomenon is one of today's society. A large number of users and the spread that covers a broad area (not evenly) certainly promises a benefit in itself. Then an idea or a question arises: Can the media take advantage of social networking as a formal news by the media? 

The answer is that it can. But there are many conditions. Before entering into the subject requirement, we need to look at the reasons people join social networking. 

There are many reasons why people join social networking. First, to meet with friends or relatives. Second, in order to find a new job. Third, as a tool to discuss a topic. Fourth, for a person to feel ownership. Fifth, to express themselves. Sixth, to express something about itself. Seventh, as a medium of entertainment. Eighth, in order to meet the same people who are interested. Ninth, as a tool for sharing information. Tenth to seek popularity. Eleventh, to solve real-world friendships. Twelfth, in order to meet new people. 

So, from many sources that I read, there are many reasons people join social networking. Indeed there are several matters related to the sharing of information. But the minority. But let us assume that there are so many people willing to supply information through social networks. The second question: what kind of information distributed? Useful for others or not?

As a FB user I noticed that most of the information shared at the FB is not worthy of being news. Only if there is a memorable event, such as accidents on the highway, usually only shared with friends. We make the assumption that this problem can be overcome with education, recruitment or something. The third question, the information shared was adequate as news or not
Suppose one day you come home from work. There was an accident. Your taking the time to find out what happened. You could take pictures. You could ask one or two people in the place of what happened. Is this enough? Not yet. What about the identity of persons involved accident? What about the cause of the accident? There are still some other questions about the adequacy of the new information could be supplemented if you're there for half or one hour. Are you willing there for that?

Okay, you can complete. But the particular news requires neutrality, news that is not biased. For example, at one time a friend's house because you'll be in Drag lost the lawsuit trial of debt. You stayed there for two days. Time is very pretty. The question is whether you can see these issues neutrally. You can interview your friends and family. But this is not enough. You should ask the other side of the root of the problem. You should find out the court's decision on the case. You should read it yourself, or at least get a confirmation from the court officers. 

So .... Social networking can indeed be used as a medium to capture the news. But too many requirements that must be met for a news worthy of social networking in the news. 

To my knowledge, which occurs in some media is like this: there is information about an event that is worthy of being news. This information is then considered by the editorial staff, whether or not the theme of the behavior. If if sold, it will be seen how complete the information. Terms 5W + H is used. Editors then assign reporters to check the truth of the information. If that information can be accounted for righteousness, a new processed and published.

Teori Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense is used to express action or situation that has or has occurred. When did the act or situation is not too important.

The formula for Present Perfect Tense:

SUBJECT + HAVE / HAS + Past Participle (V3)

(+) Positive: S + have / has + V3
(-) Negative: S + have / sas Not + V3
(?) Question: Have / has + S + V3

After the Subject (S) then use "have" or "has" suitable partner. Have in this context means: already, already, just now. The strange thing in english Have + Es but not Has. So like this:

He, She, It, John, Merry, Mufli: Has
You, We, They, Ellen and Budi: Have

Examples of the Present Perfect Tense:
(+) Positive: I have taken a bath.
(-) Negatives: I haven't taken a bath.
(?) Question: Have I taken a bath?

The characteristics of time that is usually used in the present perfect tense:
     - Already
     - For
     - Since
     - During
     - Not yet
     - Ever
     - Just
     - Lately
     - Recently
     - So far
     - Up to now
     - Until now